Friday, May 12, 2006

Illegal Immigration: Solved

I won't give a huge exposition about illegal immigration. Everybody has an opinion and for the most part everyone's right. Whether you support amnesty, a wall, deportation, the bottom line is stricter security at the border, with better checks of vehicles through the crossing points.

To that may I suggest that Congress pass a proposal that I finished last night in my basement. It's cooler down there, that's the only reason I was down there.


Can we get off the basement thing? I should have never mentioned it. Anyway, what is needed to make checking all tractor trailers quick and easy is to require that all containers must be see through. Strong, durable plastics have been around since the space program began. There should be no excuse for why shipping companies can't switch to a Tupper Ware based delivery system.

Even if the illegals climb into the trucks, under that hot sun they'd bake, or at least go bad. And that's with burping the lid.

Cost too much to R & D, and implement? There are at least 3 states I can think of that don't need the Homeland security funding we sent them; Idaho, Wisconsin and Montana. Can you think of any more? I bet you can. To put that money to good use they could develop the new clear shipping materials, creating a whole new industry from which they could generate jobs and boost their economy. Now where will they get the workers?


Blogger Dave said...

You expect me to read all that? Can't it just say that it's got four clear walls and a clear ceiling? I mean really, I ask you, how complicated can the patent office make things? I'm not surprised that something like this exists, but really it should be mandatory to ship using the containers. This way it'll be easier for the truckers to see which illegal immigrant has died inside before they get to the border, to reduce liablity claims.

Monday, May 15, 2006 4:04:00 PM  

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